Sunday, August 14, 2011

This Old House...

Much of my crazy this summer has been rooted in the search for my first house. After looking at dozens of homes with my fabulous realtor Meredith Lane, I ended up buying the second house I looked at, on our first day of hunting (sorry Meredith for dragging you all over town!).  And here it is!

(And no, this isn't Alice in Wonderland with huge keys to a tiny door!)

I have moved three times in the past three years, so I'm really looking forward to staying in one place for a looooong time.  And I LOVE my house!

My friends and family were so sweet to celebrate with me immediately. Allyson and Sheri came by with a bottle of champagne...

And my parents drove up Saturday to check out my new digs (and thanks dad for finding my interior water valve before KY American Water shows up Monday!).

Things I have learned in my first few days of ownership:

1) Moving sucks.  Wait, already knew that one.
2) Big trees = big sticks in the yard. I spent 30 minutes getting huge branches out of my front yard this morning after last night's storm!  I'm saving the back yard clean up for Sean.
3) Painting is the greatest workout ever.  I'm more exhausted and sore than I have been in months.  Ok, maybe it's not such a great workout and I'm just out of shape!
4) Gray paint looks like peachy vomit when its wet and next to baby blue.  A few minutes of panic...

In my biased opinion, I think my house is adorable, but there were a few things that had to go IMMEDIATELY.  Number one on the list:  blue paint that looks great in the kitchen but not so great in the foyer... living room... hallway... and bedroom.  Too much blue!  So my first two days in the new house were consumed with making all that blue disappear:

Living Room Before

Scary, vomit-colored wet paint....

And after! (no longer looking like puke)

North Carolina-blue in the foyer...

Warn gray after!

Blue, blue, blue and more blue in the hallway

Much better!
 Next up on the list: the all-white bathroom upstairs.  White tile will stay (this is NOT a major home renovation!) but it's getting a pretty shade of light green paint to warm things up a bit.

Side note: super apologies to my wonderful friend and bride-to-be, Marilee Meyers.  I poured out a gallon of paint and then realized there was no way I could finish using it in time for her bridal shower today.  But in ever-so-gracious style, she was completely understanding.  I hope she had a FANTASTIC day and can't wait to see her as a bride next month! XOXO Marilee!

I realize this is not the most meaningful or entertaining post, but it's SO exciting to me! There really is nothing like having a home and knowing that it is YOURS.  I can't wait to fill it with my furniture, things, friends and memories!

Now that the house is mine and moving is underway, maybe tomorrow I can actually get my syllabus for Comm. 215 at Georgetown finished.  And go to Human Resources to set up my employment details.  And clean the apartment. And take Cassie to the groomers.  And finish putting listings on the Travel Kentucky app.  And send out the Kentucky Monthly newsletter...

Suddenly I'm tired and overwhelmed again!