Monday, December 10, 2012


Well, today I cried.

Not because I'm sad. I just officially lost my "I can do all these things by this deadline" mojo.

The moving van has come and gone.  There was a brief but significant tussle with the movers; they tried to tell me that they could only pack the number of boxes quoted on my estimate.  Which was 19. And I had 38 boxes sitting around my house.

Just how were those boxes, then, supposed to get across the country? 

A few phone calls and, um, stern remarks later, the problem was solved thankfully with no additional fees. 

So now I sit with little more than a mattress and a small TV to get me through until Saturday.

But now, back to the crying.

After the moving scuffle, the refrigerator repairman (yes, they do exist) came by and told me that 1) my icemaker was not covered under my home warranty and 2) it would cost $700 to fix.  


Then, upon finding the extended warranty purchased by the original owners, that warranty company would not dispatch service until the warranty was transferred into my name.  And in our glorious world of technology, Assurant Solutions Warranty will only accept transfer request via mail.  Snail mail. As in write a letter, put it in the post box, wait for it to arrive and be processed.

So sorry renters--you are going to have to buy bagged ice for a couple of weeks.

Add to that a list of school work and work tasks to complete this week, and you get a crying mess in the kitchen floor.  But a couple of minutes later I realized that no one was going to rescue me so I might as well stop. 

So, day five done.  Packing and shipping out: done.  Goodwill run: done.  Icemaker: in (slow) process.  Calls to the vet for sedatives and to LFUCG ahead. 

And SO looking forward to drinks and dinner with all of my WEG PR girls tonight!!!

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming...

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